Jake Kulland inducted to ND American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame

“An unbelievable honor”
By Hilary Nowatzki

The Borderland Press’s very own Jake Kulland was honored last week by being inducted into
the North Dakota American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame, at an induction ceremony held
at the District 5 Tournament in Park River on July 24.

Kulland has spent over three decades covering local, regional, and state sports for KNDK AM
1080 radio, a Simmons Multimedia radio station, and over two decades as a sportswriter, first
for the Cavalier County Republican, and for the past two and a half years at The Borderland

He has a strong passion for what he does - providing coverage of everything sports related (on
top of his other duties) and shining the spotlight on countless athletes through the years.
Kulland also served over 20 years on the Langdon Area Baseball Board, with 14 of those as
President. Kulland said this award wasn’t just about him; it’s also about the team of supporters,
mentors, and role models that have coached him into the broadcaster, writer, and the man he
has become.

“It’s just an unbelievable honor; it’s as high as it gets for anybody that’s been around the
game of American Legion baseball in North Dakota,” Kulland stated. “It’s still kind of
surreal that it’s actually happened.”

Kulland mentioned Roger Maris, a former major league baseball player and member of the
North Dakota American Legion Hall of fame. “I can’t believe I’m on the same list as him and the many others on it as well, like Darin Erstad and the great Tom Perius,” Kulland stated. Perius, a Langdon native and longtime American Legion baseball umpire, was inducted in the Hall in 2006. He included that his work isn’t over; he plans to “earn” the award everyday by continuing to work with the American Legion baseball.

“As I told everybody, I will try to earn this award every day and to just keep working hard for
American Legion baseball, with whatever they need,” Kulland explained. “Everybody that’s
helped support American Legion baseball, [this honor] is for them too, but a big thanks to
Langdon Post 98 and Lori and Kari. They’re a big part of why I got this very special award.”

Lori Peterson and Kari Phillips completed the paperwork and background information for
Langdon Post 98, to submit for Kulland’s nomination. Kulland also wanted to give a special
“shout out” to the following folks for their involvement with American Legion Baseball in Cavalier
County: Orlin Green, Kenny Gellner, Mac Machacek, Jim Salvaggio, Jay Adam, Marty Tetrault,
Daryl Kempel, Darrin Romfo, Tim Kinzgett, Arlo Maag and Edgar Westphal, just to name a few.
“There are so many people that do so much for summer baseball and softball programs in
Langdon and Munich, these are just a short number of names on a very long list,” Kulland

“These are guys that have been a big part of both the Langdon and Munich American Legion
Baseball programs, and deserve this award as well. What I’m trying to say is, it’s not just an
award for me, it’s for the whole area. You recognize the things that have been done for
American Legion Baseball, in Cavalier County and beyond,” said Kulland.

Kulland also wanted to thank the North Dakota American Legion Baseball Athletic Committee,
including local representatives, Eugene Kuchena and Rodney Kadlec, who voted him into the
Hall of Fame unanimously.

American Legion Baseball is volunteer based, and Kulland extended his deep appreciation to
these peoples’ dedication to service to the game.
“I thank everyone who was a part of me getting into the Hall of Fame, it means a lot to
me, and to my family.”

From left to right: Daryl Kempel, Larry Murie, Dennis Hansel, Leon Hiltner, Tony Phillips, Jake
Kulland, Tom Perius, Rodney Kadlec, Darrin Romfo, Janice Strande, Ryan Solseng, Tim
Kingzett, Brandi Mittleider, Andrea Johnston, Bob Simmons, Jackie Dvorak, Nick Vorlage, Dave
Zeis Jr., and Diane Simmons. Photo by Larry Stokke.

The Borderland Press’s very own sports editor, Jake Kulland, has been inducted into the
North Dakota American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame. Photo by Larry Stokke.

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